Electrical Technology
Available: Shoals Campus
Advisors: Jeremy Gann (5244) jeremy.gann@nwscc.edu
M. Grissom (5265) melinda.grissom@nwscc.edu
Students desiring to receive the AOT Award must complete all major certificate courses, one minor certificate course of study, and the required credit hours of general education courses in Areas I, II, III, and IV. Upon completion of all the courses listed, students are eligible to receive the Associate in Occupational Technology Degree. Students desiring to take general education courses for transfer to another institution should consult an advisor for proper general education course selection.
Entering students are required to complete ORI 107. Transfer students are exempt from this requirement.
Area I: Written Composition
Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts
Preferred ART 100 or MUS 101. *Note SPH107 or foreign language may NOT be the one course designated to fulfill the SACSCOC Core Requirement for Humanities and Fine Arts.
Please choose from one of the following:
Area III: Natural Science and Mathematics
The additional 3-4 hours of degree creditable coursework may be taken from disciplines of biology, chemistry, physical science, physics, environmental technology.
Area IV: History, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Courses may be taken from the disciplines of history, economics, geography, political science, psychology, and sociology.
Please choose from one of the following:
Area V: Technical Concentration and Electives
Choose One Minor
Minor Requirements: Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Technology
Choose FOUR of the following courses: