Medical Assisting Technology: Medical Billing and Coding Option

Available: Shoals Campus
Advisors: K. McBay (8059)
                M. Suggs (8074)

General Information

Medical Billing and Coding Option short-term certificate requires the student to complete 27 semester hours in medical assisting courses. This program will prepare students for careers in the health care field by offering courses in the administrative functions of a physician’s office.

Admission Requirements

Applicants Must:

1. Meet all the general admission requirements of NWSCC and submit a NWSCC application to the Admissions Office.

2. High School diploma or equivalent required and submission of official transcripts.

3. Submit official college transcripts, if applicable.

4. Be at least 18 years old (younger students who meet certain conditions may be able to enroll with the permission of the Program Director).

5. Submit a program application to the Medical Assisting Technology Department by completing the online application.

6. Possess a minimum of 2.5 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale.

7. Must be eligible to take English 101 (English Composition I) and at least Math 116 (Technical Math).

8. Comply with Eligibility Criteria required for Medical Assisting Program (See Eligibility Criteria).

NOTICE: The Alabama Community College System (ACCS) Standardized Curriculum is continuing to be reviewed and analyzed. Modifications will be made as needed. The most updated information will be found in the College catalog posted on the NWSCC website.

Selection and Notification

1. The Medical Assisting Program admits each fall semester; admission for spring semester is based on availability in classes.

2. Students are selected on the basis of completion of all program requirements prior to deadline. If the number of qualified applications exceeds the number of spaces available in the Medical Assisting Program, the cumulative college GPA or the ACT or Accuplacer score will be used to rank applicants for admission.

3. Program applications will be reviewed for completion of program admission requirements. Verbal notification or written notification of the outcome of each application will be mailed to the student at the address provided on the application.

4. Students selected must respond, confirming acceptance within ten (10) days of the postmarked date of the acceptance letter and declare MAT as their program major. A student who fails to respond to their acceptance letter, and or fails to declare MAT as their major, will forfeit his/her place in the class. If the student has a felony conviction or has pled guilty to a felony or has any drug or alcohol offense on the required background check completed the first semester of the program or is convicted during the program, he or she will be dismissed from the program.

5. Students selected for acceptance must attend the mandatory orientation session. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of their space in the class.

Program Expectations

Students admitted into the Medical Assisting Program are expected to comply with all program competencies of the Medical Assisting Program.

Required competencies:

1. Administrative competencies: perform clerical functions, perform bookkeeping procedures, process insurance claims.

2. Clinical competencies: fundamental procedures, specimen collection, diagnostic testing, patient care.

3. General competencies: professional communications, legal concepts, patient instruction, operational functions.

Upon Admission

1. Submit completed medical examination forms (at student expense) that provide evidence the student is free of communicable disease and chemical dependency, and is physically and psychologically able to participate fully in both classroom and clinical aspects of the program. This includes, but is not limited to proof of vaccinations and TB screening. The medical assisting faculty reserves the right to require at any time (at student expense) an additional medical examination in order to evaluate the student’s state of physical, mental, and/or emotional health such as during pregnancy, infectious diseases, interference with mobility, emotional instability, chemical dependence, etc. When an examination or treatment is required, written proof must be provided by the physician attesting to the student’s ability to carry out both classroom and clinical requirements of the program.

2. Meet the Eligibility Criteria with or without reasonable accommodations. These functions relate to physical, mental, and emotional capabilities of the prospective students and are available in writing from the Medical Assisting Department. Additional health criteria may be required by clinical agencies. Students are required to meet all health requirements of all clinical facilities used by the program.  Therefore, should a clinical facility change policies to require proof of another health-related requirement, all students must comply to progress in the program.

3. Purchase regulation uniforms and specified accessories.

4. Receive certain immunizations at the student’s expense.

5. Purchase professional liability insurance through the College.

6. Participate in and pay for drug testing as directed by the Health Studies Division.

7. Participate in and pay for background checks as directed by the Health Studies Division.

8. Medical Assisting students must comply with the Alabama Infected Health Care Worker Act. Code of Ala. 1975, §§22-llA-2, 22-llA-7, 22-llA-13, .22-llA-14 (g), 22-llA-70

It is recommended that each student carry health insurance.


1. Students must maintain a grade of “C” or better in all required courses. Grading scale for MAT courses, HIT courses, and OAD 242: 
90 – 100     A 
80 – 89      B 
75 – 79      C 
60 – 74      D 
BELOW 60   F 

1. In order to pass each course and progress in the MAT program, students will need to achieve a final course total of 75 or higher.

2. Maintain a grade of “C” or better in all required general education and medical assisting courses and maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA at NWSCC.

3. Students must be accepted by clinical agencies for all clinical experiences. Must complete 120 unpaid clinical hours during the last semester in a facility assigned by the Medical Assisting Department (hours completed Monday – Friday according to facility hours, cannot guarantee night and weekend hours).

4. Students must perform a satisfactory evaluation on all skills.

5. Maintain ability to meet eligibility criteria for medical assisting with or without reasonable accommodations.

6. Maintain an adequate level of health, including but not limited to, annual physical examination, TB screening, vaccinations, and freedom from chemical dependency.

7. Northwest Shoals Community College reserves the right to remove from the program any student who is refused use of facilities by a clinical agency. A student who is refused use of a facility is considered refused by all agencies associated with the program. Therefore, the program is not required to find an alternative site.

Readmission to Program

Students who withdraw, or are dismissed from the program, must apply for re-admission. Students will be readmitted one time only.

Work Experience

College credit is not awarded for work experience in the healthcare field.


The ACCS endorses the Americans' with Disabilities Act (ADA). In accordance with College policy, when requested, reasonable accommodations may be provided for individuals with disabilities. Physical, cognitive, psychomotor, affective and social abilities are required in unique combinations to provide safe and effective care. The applicant/student must be able to meet the eligibility criteria with or without reasonable accommodations throughout the program of learning. Admission, progression and graduation are contingent upon one's ability to demonstrate the eligibility criteria delineated for the program with or without reasonable accommodations. The program and/or affiliated clinical agencies may identify additional eligibility criteria. The program reserves the right to amend the eligibility criteria as deemed necessary. In order to be admitted and to progress in the program one must possess a functional level of ability to perform the duties required of a nurse. Admission or progression may be denied if a student is unable to demonstrate the eligibility criteria with or without reasonable accommodations. The eligibility criteria delineated are those deemed necessary the ACCS health studies programs. No representation regarding industrial standards is implied. Similarly, any reasonable accommodations made will be determined and applied to the medical assisting technology program and may vary from reasonable accommodations made by healthcare employers.  The eligibility criteria delineated below are necessary for program admission, progression and graduation and for the provision of safe and effective care. The eligibility criteria include, but are not limited to, the ability to:

  • Sensory Perception
    • Visual
      • Observe and discern subtle changes in physical conditions and the environment
      • Visualize different color spectrums and color changes
      • Read fine print in varying levels of light
      • Read for prolonged periods of time
      • Read cursive writing
      • Read at varying distances
      • Read data/information displayed on monitors/equipment
    • Auditory
      • Interpret monitoring devices
      • Distinguish muffled sounds heard through a stethoscope
      • Hear and discriminate high and low frequency sounds produced by the body and the environment
      • Effectively hear to communicate with others
    • Tactile
      • Discern tremors, vibrations, pulses, textures, temperature, shapes, size, location and other physical characteristics
    • Olfactory
      • Detect body odors and odors in the environment
  • Communication/ Interpersonal Relationships
    • Verbally and in writing, engage in a two-way communication and interact effectively with others, from a variety of social, emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds
    • Work effectively in groups
    • Work effectively independently
    • Discern and interpret nonverbal communication
    • Express one's ideas and feelings clearly
    • Communicate with others accurately in a timely manner
    • Obtain communications from a computer
  • Cognitive/Critical Thinking
    • Effectively read, write and comprehend the English language
    • Consistently and dependably engage in the process of critical thinking in order to formulate and implement safe and ethical decisions in a variety of health care settings
    • Demonstrate satisfactory performance on written examinations including mathematical computations without a calculator
    • Satisfactorily achieve the program objectives
  • Motor Function
    • Handle small delicate equipment/objects without extraneous movement, contamination or destruction
    • Move, position, turn, transfer, assist with lifting or lift and carry clients without injury to clients, self or others
    • Maintain balance from any position
    • Stand on both legs
    • Coordinate hand/eye movements
    • Push/pull heavy objects without injury to client, self or others
    • Stand, bend, walk and/or sit for 6-12 hours in a clinical setting performing physical activities requiring energy without jeopardizing the safety of the client, self or others
    • Walk without a cane, walker or crutches
    • Function with hands free for care and transporting items
    • Transport self and client without the use of electrical devices
    • Flex, abduct and rotate all joints freely
    • Respond rapidly to emergency situations
    • Maneuver in small areas
    • Perform daily care functions for the client
    • Coordinate fine and gross motor hand movements to provide safe effective care
    • Calibrate/use equipment
    • Execute Movement required to provide care in all health care settings
    • Perform CPR and physical assessment
    • Operate a computer
  • Professional Behavior
    • Convey caring, respect, sensitivity, tact, compassion, empathy, tolerance and a healthy attitude toward others
    • Demonstrate a mentally healthy attitude that is age appropriate in relationship to the client
    • Handle multiple tasks concurrently
    • Perform safe, effective care for clients in a caring context
    • Understand and follow the policies and procedures of the College and clinical agencies
    • Understand the consequences of violating the student code of conduct
    • Understand that posing a direct threat to others is unacceptable and subjects one to discipline
    • Meet qualifications for licensure/certification by examination as stipulated by the respective program
    • Not to pose a threat to self or others
    • Function effectively in situations of uncertainty and stress inherent in providing care
    • Adapt to changing environments and situations
    • Remain free of chemical dependency
    • Report promptly to clinicals and remain for 6-12 hours at the medical facility
    • Provide care in an appropriate time frame
    • Accept responsibility, accountability, and ownership of one's actions
    • Seek supervision/consultation in a timely manner
    • Examine and modify one's own behavior when it interferes with care or learning

Upon admission, an individual who discloses a disability can request reasonable accommodations. Individuals will be asked to provide documentation of the disability in order to assist with the provision of appropriate reasonable accommodations.  The respective College will provide reasonable accommodations but is not required to substantially alter the requirements or nature of the program or provide accommodations that inflict an undue burden on the respective College.  In order to be admitted, one must be able to perform all of the eligibility criteria with or without reasonable accommodations.   If an individual's health changes during the program of learning, so that the eligibility criteria cannot be met with or without reasonable accommodations, the student will be withdrawn from the program. The faculty reserves the right at any time to require an additional medical examination at the student's expense in order to assist with the evaluation of the student's ability to perform the eligibility criteria.

Requests for reasonable accommodations should be directed to: ADA Coordinator's Office at 256.331.5262 or


Medical Billing and Coding Option Short-Term Certificate

Available: Shoals Campus
K. McBay (8059)

M. Suggs (8074)

Medical Billing and Coding Option short-term certificate requires the student to complete 27 semester hours in medical assisting courses. This program will prepare students for careers in the health care field by offering courses in the administrative functions of a physician’s office.

Required Courses

Item #
Sub-Total Credits
Total credits:




Short-Term Certificate