Child Development
Available: Phil Campbell and Shoals Campus
S. Tverberg (5450)
This short-term certificate is designed to prepare students for employment in preschool programs. Emphasis is upon developing competency in guiding the experience of preschool children. Graduates may be employed as teachers or directors in private and public preschool programs and as aides in Head Start. Classes in this plan are designed to meet the Alabama state minimum standard qualifications for a director, program director, and teacher in a licensed child care center. This short-term certificate program offers the student background knowledge of all stages of child growth and development; training and practical experience in conducting all types of learning activities with children; knowledge and application of techniques in positive guidance and discipline,
health, safety, and first aid practices; and a basic knowledge of the state minimum standards for daycare centers and homes.
Any person who is interested in the field or desires to enhance his or her knowledge in child care work and has a high school diploma or GED will be eligible for this short-term certificate.
Required Courses
**CHD Electives
Choose any two of the following courses: