Emergency Medical Services

Available: Shoals Campus
Advisors: C. DeMorse (5336) cdemorse@nwscc.edu
T. Oyen (5437) oyen@nwscc.edu                                                                       M. Simpson (5435)

NOTICE: The Alabama Community College System Standardized Curriculum is continuing to be reviewed and analyzed. Modifications will be made as needed.

EMS admission criteria, the progression guidelines, and the curriculum are currently under review and are subject to change. Please see the EMS Program Director with any questions or concerns.

The Division of Health Studies offers the Emergency Medical Services Program. The EMS program is designed to prepare qualified applicants in basic and advanced emergency care in clinical and in field environments. Graduates qualify for employment with fire and rescue departments, ambulance services, industries, and emergency departments within medical facilities. EMS education spans four levels of competency.  Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT), and Paramedic. Each level of competency meets or exceeds standards identified in the National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and by the State of Alabama Department of Public Health.

Students may enroll in the EMS program with the intention of completing only the courses required for each level of EMS education. Students are not required to complete EMR for admission into the EMT program. Upon successful completion of each level, the student will be eligible to apply for registration with the National Registry of EMTs. Graduation from the program, however, does not guarantee licensure from the Alabama Department of Public Health Office of EMS and Trauma or the ability to take the National Registry of EMT examination.

The Emergency Medical Services Program supports the philosophy and purpose of the College and serves its community by preparing entry level Emergency Medical Services personnel in varied health settings. The EMS Program Director, Medical Director, EMS Faculty, and the EMS Advisory Committee have the responsibility for administering and evaluating the Emergency Medical Services Program according to policies and guidelines established by the College, the Alabama Department of Public Health, and the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs in association with the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP). To receive an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Emergency Medical Services, the student must complete the EMT and Paramedic certificate levels and all academic core curriculum course requirements.

Because EMS programs contain a clinical component, students are required to meet additional health requirements as well as the “Essential Functions of the EMT.” Questions regarding the EMS program should be directed to the Program Director at 256.331.5336

The Purpose of the Emergency Medical Services Program is to:

1. Prepare entry level Emergency Services Personnel who utilize appropriate knowledge and skills to deliver safe, competent care to clients of all ages

2. Foster learning as a life-long process to remain competent

3. Prepare entry level Emergency Services Personnel who contribute to society as citizens and members within the discipline of EMS

4. Provide education at the certificate and the Associate Degree level, which forms a basis for entry into baccalaureate EMS education

The minimum expectations goal of the EMS Program at Northwest Shoals Community college is "To prepare competency entry-level Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedics in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains with or without exit points at the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician and/or Emergency Medical Technician, and/or Emergency Medical Responder levels."


The Emergency Medical Services Program is state approved by the Alabama Department of Public Health Office of EMS and Trauma.

To contact Alabama Department of Public Health Office of EMS and Trauma.
208 Legends Court, Prattville, AL  36066
Telephone: 334.206.5383 Fax: 334.206.5260

The Emergency Medical Services Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (www.caahep.org) upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation of Education Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP).

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
9355 113th Street North, Suite 7709
Seminole, Florida 33756
Telephone: 727-210-2350 Fax: 727-210-2354

To contact CoAEMSP:
8301 Lakeview Parkway Suite 111-312
Rowlett, TX 75088
Telephone: 214-703-8445 Fax: 214-703-8992


Admission to the EMS program is competitive, and the number of students is limited by the number of faculty and clinical facilities available. Preference will be given to graduates/ students of Northwest Shoals Community College EMT and AEMT Programs. Applicants will be notified by the EMS office of acceptance into the EMS program. The College reserves the right to adjust requirements or use additional criteria to determine admission.

*A list of fees/approximate costs may be obtained from the EMS Office.*

General Admission Requirements

To be eligible to enroll in the EMS Program, a student must complete the following:

1. Unconditional admission to the College

2. Good standing with the College

3. Receipt of completed application for the Emergency Medical Services Program by specified deadline. (Late applications may be considered dependent upon faculty and clinical facilities that are available)

4. Be a high school graduate or hold a GED; Complete the ACT or COMPASS/ASSET placement test

5. Meet the Essential Functions for the Emergency Medical Services Program

The student’s ability to comply with the Essential Functions may be evaluated by the EMS faculty at any time that a student’s ability to do so is in question.

Upon admission, an individual who discloses a disability can request reasonable accommodations. Individuals will be asked to provide documentation of the disability in order to assist with the provision of appropriate reasonable accommodations. The respective College will provide reasonable accommodations but is not required to substantially alter the requirements or nature of the program or provide accommodations that inflict an undue burden on the respective College. In order to be admitted, one must be able to perform all of the essential functions with or without reasonable accommodations. If an individual’s health changes during the program of learning so that the essential functions cannot be met with or without reasonable accommodations, the student will be withdrawn from the EMS program. The EMS faculty reserves the right at any time to require an additional medical examination at the student’s expense in order to assist with the evaluation of the student’s ability to perform the essential functions.

Requests for reasonable accommodations should be directed to the ADA Specialist, Patrece Rice, at patrece.rice@nwscc.edu.

6. Be at least 18 years old (younger students who meet certain conditions may be able to enroll with the permission of the Program Director)

7. Possess a valid driver’s license

8. Hold current BLS - CPR course completion at the provider level. American Red Cross course equivalent is Professional Rescuer. Community CPR is not acceptable. Students will be allowed to enter the EMT program without CPR completion provided he/she enrolls in a CPR class prior to beginning clinical rotations. The CPR course is provided by the EMS Department;

9. Present evidence of health insurance or sign a waiver

10. Complete EMS 107 Emergency Vehicle Operator Course to operate an ambulance in the State of Alabama. Students must successfully complete this course and meet additional requirements by the Alabama Department of Public Health Office of EMS and Trauma. The EVOC course is provided by the EMS Department

Meeting minimal requirements does not guarantee acceptance. A list of anticipated expenses can be obtained from the EMS Program Office. Students are responsible for transportation, meals, health care expenses, and any liability incurred during and while traveling to and/or from educational experiences.

Unconditional Admission to the EMT Program

In addition to General Admission Requirements the student must:

1. Submit EMS Program Application and receive approval by the EMS Program Director

2. Successfully complete Background Check with no findings

3. Complete AccuPlacer/ACT testing

4. Register and submit payment for courses

5. Attend and complete EMS Program Orientation

Unconditional Admission to the AEMT Program

In addition to General Admission Requirements the student must:

1. Submit EMS Program Application and receive approval by the EMS Program Director

2. Successfully complete Background Check with no findings

3. Complete AccuPlacer/ACT testing

4. Register and submit payment for courses

5. Complete EMT Program

6. Successfully complete NREMT Examination

7. Hold Alabama EMT licensure

8. Attend and complete EMS Program Orientation

Unconditional Admission to the Paramedic Program

In addition to General Admission Requirements the student must:

1. Submit EMS Program Application and receive approval by the EMS Program Director

2. Successfully complete Background Check with no findings

3. Complete AccuPlacer/ACT testing

4. Register and submit payment for courses

5. Hold Alabama EMT licensure

6. Completed EMS 189 or BIO 201 with a grade of “C” or better

7. Completed EMS Program Entrance Examination (Fee is associated with this examination)

8. Have a minimum of 2.0 for EMS coursework and required academic coursework for the last 24 hours

9. Attend and complete EMS Program Orientation

10. If applicable, complete any required remedial coursework for Math 100 and English 101

Conditional Admission may be granted based upon the discretion of the EMS Program Director. Students allowed to enroll with conditional admission will be assigned to the current cohort for the date when all requirements have been met.  Students who do not currently have an Alabama EMT license or EMS 189/BIO 201 may be granted conditional admission if those requirements can be obtained during the first semester of the program.

Upon successful completion of each level, the student will be eligible to apply for registration with the National Registry of EMTs. Graduation from the program, however, does not guarantee licensure from the Alabama Department of Public Health Office of EMS and Trauma or the ability to take the National Registry of EMT examination.

Paramedic program students can complete requirements for a Certificate or AAS Degree.


In addition to the general admission requirements, students admitted to the Paramedic certificate program must:

1. Complete ENG 100 or higher and MTH 116 or higher with a grade of “D” or better prior to the last semester of the Paramedic program

2. Students electing to take BIO 201 must also complete BIO 202 with a grade of “D” or better for the certificate option

AAS DEGREE OPTION - EMT to Paramedic Track

In addition to the general admission requirements, students admitted to the degree tract must:

1. Complete ENG 101 and MTH 116 or higher with a grade of “D” or better prior to the last semester of the Paramedic Program

2. Complete EMS 189 or BIO 201 and BIO 202 with a grade of “C” or better for the AAS Degree 

3. Complete additional General Education Requirements:  PSY 200 or PSY 210, and a Humanities Elective

4. Complete EMS 118 and EMS 119.

AAS DEGREE OPTION - Advanced EMT to Paramedic Track

While not required, students are encouraged to complete Advanced EMT prior to enrolling in paramedic courses.  In addition to the general admission requirements, students admitted to the degree tract must:

1. Complete ENG 101 and MTH 116 or higher with a grade of “D” or better prior to the last semester of the Paramedic Program

2. Complete EMS 189 or BIO 201 and BIO 202 with a grade of “C” or better for the AAS Degree 

3. Complete additional General Education Requirements:  PSY 200 or PSY 210, and a Humanities Elective

4. Complete EMS 118, EMS 119, EMS 155, and EMS 156.


In order to continue in the EMT, Advanced EMT, or Paramedic courses, the student must complete the following:

1. Complete and submit the physical examination form and required data PRIOR to attendance at clinical. The student must present written documentation on College forms of a physical examination within the last 12 months by a licensed practicing physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner. In addition, the student must:

  • a. Be free from any communicable disease
  • b. Possess eyesight in a minimum of one eye correctable to 20/20 vision, have approximately one hundred and eighty (180) degrees peripheral vision capability and have adequate color perception
  • c. Complete a health history, verifying such information as immunization and disease history and special medical needs
  • d. Receive (at student expense) necessary immunizations/tests including hepatitis vaccine
  • e. Demonstrate the ability to send and receive messages

2. Meet “Essential Functions of the EMT” with or without accommodations by assigned date. A copy of these functions is available upon request

3. Purchase professional liability insurance through the College

4. Complete drug testing and/or background checks as directed by the Health Studies Division or clinical agency

5. The EMS Program grading scale is:

100 – 90 = A
89 – 80 = B
79 – 75 = C
74 – 60 = D
59 and below = F

6. Receive a grade of “C” in each EMS or EMP course in order to continue

7. Earn a satisfactory clinical evaluation on the clinical component of any course with a clinical component

8. Be accepted by clinical agencies for clinical experiences

NOTE : Northwest Shoals Community College reserves the right to remove from the program any student who is refused use of facilities by a clinical agency. A student who is refused use of a facility is considered refused by all agencies associated with the program. Therefore, the program is not required to find an alternative site.


Students who wish to transfer must:

1. Meet general and unconditional admission and progression requirements for NWSCC and the EMS program

2. Successfully complete the program:

  • a. Within one year of initial entry for the EMT program (otherwise all EMT courses must be repeated)
  • b. Within one year of initial entry for the Advanced EMT program (otherwise all EMT courses must be repeated)
  • c. Within two years of initial entry for the Paramedic program (otherwise all Paramedic courses must be repeated)

3. Be a student in good standing with the previous institution(s)

4. Have Director of previous EMS program provide a letter of good standing in previous EMS program.

5. Complete skill validation requirements

6. Provide clinical documentation (example: FISDAP or data on a signed EMS Program letterhead of previous institution) for consideration

7. Be accepted by all clinical agencies for clinical experiences

NOTE: Northwest Shoals Community College reserves the right to remove from the program any student who is refused use of facilities by a clinical agency. A student who is refused use of a facility is considered refused by all agencies associated with the program. Therefore, the program is not required to find an alternative site.


In order to continue in the EMS program, the student must:

1. Complete all required general education courses according to The Alabama College System EMS Education curriculum

2. Maintain a grade of “C” or better in all required EMS courses and maintain a 2.0 GPA at NWSCC

3. Be accepted by all clinical agencies for clinical experiences

4. Earn a satisfactory clinical evaluation in all EMS courses with a clinical component

5. Maintain ability to meet essential functions for EMS with or without reasonable accommodations

6. Maintain current CPR at the health care provider level

7. Maintain an adequate level of health including but not limited to annual PPD, and freedom from chemical dependency and/ or mental disorder

8. Successfully complete the EMS education program:

  • a. Within one year of initial entry for the EMT program (otherwise all EMT courses must be repeated).
  • b. Within one year of initial entry for the Advanced EMT program (otherwise all EMT courses must be repeated).
  • c. Within two years of initial entry for the Paramedic program (otherwise all Paramedic course must be repeated).

A student that has an unsuccessful attempt in an EMS course (W, D, or F) cannot progress until the course is completed successfully. Course repetition will be based on instructor availability and program resources. Withdrawal and/or a D or F in one or more EMS courses in a term is considered one unsuccessful attempt. A grade of “I” may prevent the student from progression and will be evaluated by the faculty, program director, and medical director.


In order to continue in the EMS program the student must:

1. Students whose progression through EMS is interrupted and who desire to be reinstated in the program must schedule an appointment with an EMS faculty advisor to discuss reinstatement. In order to be eligible for reinstatement, the following criteria must be met:

  • a. Apply for readmission to the college if not currently enrolled
  • b. Submit application requesting reinstatement to the EMS program
  • c. Request reinstatement within one year from the term of withdrawal or failure
  • d. Demonstrate competency in previous EMS courses. This may be evaluated by testing and/or skills validation
  • e. Adhere to EMS curriculum and/or program policies and procedures effective at the point of reinstatement

2. Reinstatement to the EMS program is not guaranteed

3. Reinstatement will be denied due to, but not limited to any of the following circumstances:

  • a. Grade point average is less than 2.0 from courses completed at the current institution
  • b. Refusal by clinical agencies to accept the student for clinical experiences
  • c. Twelve months have elapsed since the student was enrolled in an EMS course
  • d . Student has been dismissed from the program for a violation of the College/EMS Program handbook.
  • e. Student dismissed from the program for disciplinary reasons and/or unsafe/unsatisfactory client care

4. Students who are unsuccessful on the third (3rd) admission will be dismissed from the EMS program

5. Students who have three unsuccessful attempts in any EMS program course may apply for admission as a new student provided:

  • a. the student meets current entry requirements
  • b. at least two years have elapsed since the student’s dismissal from the last program and
  • c. the student was not dismissed from the previous program for disciplinary reasons or for unsafe/unsatisfactory client care in the clinical area


The EMS student shall comply with the standards that determine acceptable behavior of a healthcare professional in accordance with the Alabama Department of Public Health Office of EMS and Trauma, National Registry of EMTs, and EMS Program.


The following examples of behavior may be grounds for dismissal from the EMS program or for licensure application review by the Alabama Department of Public Health Office of EMS and Trauma. Any individual who:

1. Is guilty of fraud or deceit in procuring or attempting to procure a license

2. Is guilty of a crime involving moral turpitude or of gross immorality that would tend to bring reproach upon the EMS profession

3. Is unfit or incompetent due to the use of alcohol, or is addicted to the use of habit-forming drugs to such an extent as to render the licensee unsafe or unreliable

4. Is mentally incompetent

5. Is guilty of unprofessional conduct of a character likely to deceive, defraud, or injure the public in matters pertaining to health

6. Has willfully or repeatedly violated any of the provisions of this act

7. Has been convicted of a felony

8. Has been convicted of any violation of a Federal or State law relating to controlled substances

9. Has any other reasons authorized by law

10. Has been placed on a State and/or Federal abuse registry

11. Has been court martialed or disciplined or administratively discharged by the military

Entering students are required to complete ORI 107. Transfer students are exempt from this requirement.


As a student in the EMS program, you can anticipate certain necessary expenses. First of all, the tuition rate is the same as that for other NWSCC students, but health studies students will incur other expenses, which are listed below. Note that the amounts listed are approximations and are subject to change without notice.

  • Textbooks: $1,500.00 (includes EMT, AEMT, Paramedic)
  • Standardized Tests: $200.00
  • Computer Software (Platinum): $180.00
  • Annual Physical Exam, TB Test & Shots: $750.00
  • Uniforms and Small Equipment: $300.00
  • Clinical Kit: $85.00
  • Clinical ID Badges: $5.00 each semester enrolled
  • Drug Screening: $80.00
  • Liability Insurance: $80.00 ($20 each semester enrolled in program)
  • Licensure Application Fee: $12.00
  • NREMT Examination for EMT: $104.00
  • NREMT Examination for AEMT: $144.00
  • NREMT Examination for Paramedic: $160.00
  • Background Checks: $85.00
  • Tuition at published rate for courses in program of study (see the current registration guide at https://nwscc.edu/patriot-central/college-publications/)
  • College fees at published rates (see the current registration guide at https://nwscc.edu/patriot-central/college-publications/)
  • Course completion/certification cards: $35.00
  • Parking Decal $ 20.00

NOTICE: In addition to the expenses listed, you are responsible for transportation, meals, health care expenses, any liability incurred during and while traveling to and/or from educational experiences.


Emergency Medical Services Associate in Applied Science Degree

The Associate in Applied Science Degree is completed in five (5) semesters to include EMT consists of the following courses, which are taught concurrently and must be successfully completed for eligibility to apply for registration for examination with NREMT.



* Successful completion of EMS 189 or BIO 201 required PRIOR to admission. 

* All clinical hours for all clinical courses are minimum clock hours. Students are still required to achieve minimum competencies in each class. Additional may be required to achieve minimum competency.

* Direct to Paramedic track requires all academic coursework for the AAS to be completed prior to EMS admission. See program director for additional information.

* Computer competency skills are embedded within one or more courses required in this curriculum.

AAS Required Courses with EMT Track

Item #
Humanities and Fine Arts Elective  +
Sub-Total Credits
Total credits:




Associate in Applied Science