Industrial Systems Technology: Electrical Option
Available: Shoals Campus
Advisors: J. Rogers (8038)
J. Gann (5244)
M. Grissom (5265)
This degree is designed to offer students entry-level skills in the field of Industrial Systems Technology with a total focus on electrical systems. A student who graduates from the program should be able to install and maintain all types of plant electrical systems.
Entering students are required to complete ORI 107. Transfer students are exempt from this requirement.
Area I: Written Composition
Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts
Preferred ART 100 or MUS 101. *Note SPH107 or foreign language may NOT be the one course designated to fulfill the SACSCOC Core Requirement for Humanities and Fine Arts.
Please choose one of the following:
Area III: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Area IV: History, Social and Behavioral Science
Please choose one of the following: