General Education

General Education Short-Term Certificate: An undergraduate award signifying completion of a prescribed course of study of 29 semester hours. This award is designed to assist students in developing an academic foundation to earn credit toward the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree and plan on transferring to a four-year university, or students interested in entering the workforce immediately who want to improve their communication skills, reasoning skills, cultural and social understanding, and overall knowledge to become more valuable in the workplace.


Designed to assist students in developing an academic foundation to earn credit toward the associate of art or associate of science degree.

Degree Requirements by Area

Item #
Area I: Written Composition  +
Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts  +
Area III: Natural Science and Mathematics  +
Area IV: History, Social and Behavioral Sciences  +
Area V: Technical Concentration and Electives  +
Total credits:




Short-Term Certificate